
Glow Chef Questionnaire: Carolina Responds

Remember Glow Chef Questionnaire?

When I published it for the first time, with my own answers, I also launched the challenge to all of you: answer it and send it to me for publication.

Carolina Moreira, a friend of this Glow Chef, is an activist, photographer, music lover, cinephile, who only likes to read sad books “because life is just like that”, accepted the challenge and answered the Glow Chef Questionnaire.

She did it the same way she does everything: quietly and mindfully. I loved the surprise in my mailbox, Carolina!

Carolina’s Answers:

What Is Your Favorite Meal?

Dinner. Because it’s when we all come together at the end of each day and we all talk at the same time about what our day was like. Actually, nobody hears anything but there is a kind of comfort in all this racket.

What Is Your Favorite Dish?

Steak with French fries. Please keep in mind that I haven’t eaten meat in 13 years! However, in my childhood, that’s what we ate at home, on our birthdays (I have 4 siblings). So, even today, a steak with fries has the flavor of family celebration, despite the fact that I don’t eat it.

Which Dish Do You Cook The Best?

I specialize in vegetables. All the dishes I make are good 🙂

And Which Dish Never Works?

Soups. I don’t know why, but they never taste good.

Which Three Ingredients Would You Take To A Desert Island?

Salt, pepper and fresh coriander.

Where Do You Like Shopping The Most?

I shop in various places, often close to home, but I like to go to Biomercado, on Avenida Duque d’Avila, in Lisbon.

What’s Your Favorite Piece Of Kitchen Equipment?

My non-stick wok, because it always makes me feel like a powerful cook!

What Do You Always Have In The Refrigerator?

Eggs are my favorite SOS.

Tea Or Coffee?


What’s Your Favorite Kitchen Book?

I don’t have a favorite … I’ve only just started cooking from books.

Do You Have A Favorite Restaurant? Which One?

The Alfaia Restaurant in Bairro Alto (Lisbon). Not so much for the food, which is very good, but for the good memories of dinners with my best friends Sónia and Edgardo.

The Best Music To Listen To While Cooking Is …

This Old Heart of Mine is Weak For You – The Isley Brothers

Thank you, Carolina!

What About You, Do You Accept The Challenge?

Answer the Glow Chef Questionnaire and send it with a photo of you to::

hello (at) glowchef (dot) com

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